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imp note – hello friends I am shrey-kapoor and I want to tell you that I have written the meanings of the words given below but I have also written the further meanings of that meaning.7 th class words-meanings are given after viii c.
1.mournful - doleful, sad, expressing mourning.
2.commend - 1 praise. 2 entrust, commit. 3 recommend.
3.soothe - 1 calm (a person, feelings, etc). 2 soften or mitigate (pain etc.).
4.evident - plain or obvious; manifest.
5.corrupt — 1.dishonest, esp. using bribery. 2 immoral; wicked. 3 (of a text etc.) made unreliable by errors or alterations.
6.hamburger - cake of minced beef, usu. eaten in a soft bread roll.
7.psychiatry - the study and treatment of mental disease.
8.corrugate - (esp. as corrugated adj.) form into alternate ridges and grooves, esp. to strengthen (corrugated iron).
9.stash —(often foll. by away) 1 conceal; put in a safe place. 2 hoard. —1 hiding-place. 2 thing hidden.
10.heckle —interrupt and harass (a public speaker).
11.extort - obtain by coercion. [Latin torqueo tort- twist]
12.chauffeur — person employed to drive a car. — drive (a car or person) as a chauffeur.
13.expulsion -expelling or being expelled.
14.proton - elementary particle with a positive electric charge equal to that of an electron, and occurring in all atomic nuclei.
15.incredible - that cannot be believed.
16.manic -1. of or affected by mania. 2 . wildly excited; frenzied; excitable.
17.mangy -1 having mange. 2 squalid; shabby.
18.etymology - 1. a .derivation and development of a word in form and meaning. b. account of these. 2. the study of word origins.
19.whisper — speak very softly without vibration of the vocal cords.
20.ignorance - lack of knowledge.
21.mart - 1. trade centre. 2 .auction-room. 3. market.
22.penthouse -(esp. luxurious) flat on the roof or top floor of a tall building.
23.sack — a large strong bag for storage or conveyance.
24.clash — 1. a. loud jarring sound as of metal objects struck together. b. collision. 2. a. conflict. b .discord of colours etc. — 1 .(cause to) make a clashing sound. 2. collide; coincide awkwardly. 3 .(often foll. by with) a .come into conflict or be at variance. b. (of colours) be discordant.
25.mitigate - make less intense or severe.
26.serene - 1 .clear and calm. 2 .tranquil, unperturbed.
27.alacrity -briskness; cheerful readiness.
28.onus - burden, duty, responsibility.
29.petulant -peevishly impatient or irritable.
30.precious — 1. of great value or worth. 2 .beloved; much prized (precious memories).
31.pretend — 1 .claim or assert falsely so as to deceive (pretend knowledge; pretended to be rich). 2 .imagine to oneself in play (pretended it was night). 3. (as pretended adj.) falsely claim to be such (a pretended friend). 4. a lay claim to (a right or title etc.). b profess to have (a quality etc.). —adj. colloq. pretended; in pretence (pretend money).
32.sympathy -1 a .sharing of another's feelings. b. capacity for this. 2 .a .(often foll. by with) sharing or tendency to share (with a person etc.) in an emotion, sensation, or condition. b. (in sing. or pl.) compassion or commiseration; condolences. 3. (often foll. by for) approval. 4. (in sing. or pl.; often foll. by with) agreement (with a person etc.) in opinion or desire.
33.accurate - careful, precise; conforming exactly with the truth or a standard.
34.fabric - 1 .woven material; cloth. 2 .walls, floor, and roof of a building. 3 .essential structure.
35.declare - announce openly or formally .
36.anxious - 1. mentally troubled. 2 .causing or marked by anxiety (anxious moment). 3 .eager, uneasily wanting (anxious to please).
37.marvellous -1 .astonishing. 2 .excellent.
38.frighten -1. fill with fright (the bang frightened me; frightened of dogs). 2. (foll. by away, off, out of, into) drive by fright.
39.grateful -1. thankful; feeling or showing gratitude. 2. pleasant, acceptable.
40.swoop — 1. (often foll. by down) descend rapidly like a bird of prey. 2 make a sudden attack.
41.streak - 1. long thin usu. irregular line or band, esp. of colour.
42.nudge —1 .prod gently with the elbow to attract attention. 2. push gradually.
43.lanky - ungracefully thin and long or tall.
44.inevitable — 1 .unavoidable; sure to happen.
45.affront — insult.
46.pantry - 1. small room or cupboard in which crockery, cutlery, table linen, etc., are kept.
47.flapjack - 1 sweet oatcake. 2 esp. US pancake.
48.capable - 1 .competent, able, gifted. 2 .(foll. by of) a having the ability, fitness, etc.
49.hawker - person who travels about selling goods.
50.hazard —danger or risk.
51.contrived -artificial, forced.
52.snorkel — 1. breathing-tube for an underwater swimmer. 2. device for supplying air to a submerged submarine.
53.reputation - 1. what is generally said or believed about a person's or thing's character (reputation for honesty; reputation of being a crook). 2 .state of being well thought of; respectability (lost its reputation).
54.renew - 1.revive; make new again; restore to the original state. 2. reinforce; resupply; replace. 3.repeat or re-establish, resume after an interruption (renewed our acquaintance). 4 .(also absol.) grant or be granted continuation of (a licence, subscription, lease, etc.). 5 .recover (strength etc.).
55.gymnast - person who does gymnastics, esp. an expert.
56.dwarf — 1. person, animal, or plant much below normal size. 2. small mythological being with magical powers. 3 .small usu. dense star. — 1. stunt in growth. 2. make seem small.
57.regret — 1. feel or express sorrow, repentance, or distress over (an action or loss etc.). 2 .acknowledge with sorrow or remorse (regret to say). —feeling of sorrow, repentance, etc., over an action or loss etc. give (or send) one's regrets formally decline an invitation.
58.furtive - sly, stealthy.
59.meditate - 1. (often foll. by on, upon) engage in (esp. religious) contemplation. 2. plan mentally.
60.occasional - 1 .happening irregularly and infrequently. 2. made or meant for, or acting on, a special occasion.
61.obstruct - 1. block up; make hard or impossible to pass along or through. 2 .prevent or retard the progress of.
62.revive - 1. come or bring back to consciousness, life, or strength. 2. come or bring back to existence, or to use or notice etc.
63.revivify - restore to animation, vigour, or life.
64.revolt —1. rise in rebellion. 2 .a. affect with strong disgust. b. (often foll. by at, against) feel strong disgust. — 1. act of rebelling. 2. state of insurrection. 3 .sense of disgust. 4. mood of protest or defiance.
65.revue -entertainment of short usu. satirical sketches and songs.
66.rhea - S. American flightless ostrich-like bird.
67.rheostat -instrument used to control an electric current by varying the resistance.
68.rhesus -(in full rhesus monkey) small N. Indian monkey.
69.rhetoric - 1. art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing. 2 .language designed to persuade or impress (esp. seen as overblown and meaningless).
70.rhinestone -imitation diamond.
71.rhyming slang -slang that replaces words by rhyming words or phrases, e.g. suit by whistle and flute.
72.Richter scale - scale of 0–10 for representing the strength of an earthquake.
73.ricotta -soft Italian cheese.
74.Right Honourable -title given to certain high officials, e.g. Privy Counsellors.
75.Scientology -system of religious philosophy based on self-improvement and graded courses of study and training.
76.memoir - 1. historical account etc. written from personal knowledge or special sources. 2.autobiography, esp. partial or dealing with specific events or people. 3 .essay on a learned subject.
77.stifle -1. suppress. 2. feel or make unable to breathe easily; suffocate. 3. kill by suffocating.
78.vagrant — unemployed itinerant.
79.gismo - slang gadget.
80.elaborate — 1.minutely worked out. 2. complicated. — work out or explain in detail.
81.luster - 1. gloss, shining surface. 2. brilliance, splendour. 3. iridescent glaze on pottery and porcelain.
82.encapsulate - 1. enclose in or as in a capsule. 2. express briefly, summarize.
83.endeavour - try earnestly.
84.odyssey -long adventurous journey. [title of the Homeric epic poem on the adventures of Odysseus] .
85.neglect — 1. fail to care for or to do; be remiss about. 2 fail; overlook the need to. 3 not pay attention to; disregard. — 1 .negligence. 2 .neglecting or being neglected. 3 (usu. foll. by of) disregard.
86.navigate - 1.manage or direct the course of (a ship or aircraft) using maps and instruments. 2. a .sail on (a sea, river, etc.). b. fly through (the air). 3 .(in a car etc.) assist the driver by map-reading etc. 4 .sail a ship; sail in a ship.
87.lucrative -profitable.
88.limelight - 1. intense white light used formerly in theatres. 2. (prec. by the) the glare of publicity.
89.oust - drive out or expel, esp. by seizing the place of.
90.nab -slang 1. arrest; catch in wrongdoing. 2. grab.
91.obstruct -1. block up; make hard or impossible to pass along or through. 2. prevent or retard the progress of.
92.crinkle — wrinkle or crease. — form crinkles (in).
93.bisect - divide into two (strictly, equal) parts.
94.astern - (often foll. by of) 1. in or to the rear of a ship or aircraft. 2 .backwards.
95.lunacy - 1. insanity. 2. mental unsoundness. 3 .great folly.
96.academician -member of an Academy.
97.activate - 1. make active. 2. Chem. cause reaction in. 3. make radioactive.
98.baggage - 1. luggage. 2. portable army equipment.
99.buttercup - wild plant with yellow cup-shaped flowers.
100.colonize - 1. establish a colony in. 2. join a colony.
101.discard - 1. reject as unwanted. 2. remove or put aside.
102.duplex — (often attrib.) esp. US 1. flat on two floors. 2 .house subdivided for two families; semi-detached house. — 1. of two parts. 2. Computing (of a circuit) allowing simultaneous two-way transmission of signals.
103.ecosystem -biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.
104.frisson - emotional thrill.
105.graduate —person holding an academic degree. — 1. obtain an academic degree. 2 .(foll. by to) move up to (a higher grade of activity etc.). 3 .mark out in degrees or parts. 4. arrange in gradations; apportion (e.g. tax) according to a scale.
106.haggard - looking exhausted and distraught.
107.hale - strong and healthy (esp. in hale and hearty).
108.impractical - 1. not practical. 2. esp. US not practicable.
109.mettle -1. quality or strength of character. 2 spirit, courage.
110.awesome -inspiring awe; dreaded.
111.auction — sale in which articles are sold to the highest bidder.
112.fluent - 1. (of speech, style, etc.) flowing, natural. 2. verbally facile, esp. in a foreign language (fluent in German).
113.grievous -1. (of pain etc.) severe. 2. causing grief. 3 .injurious. 4. flagrant, heinous.
114.paradox - 1. a. seemingly absurd or contradictory though often true statement. b.self-contradictory or absurd statement. 2. person or thing having contradictory qualities etc. 3. paradoxical quality.
115.obligation - 1. constraining power of a law, duty, contract, etc. 2. duty, task. 3. binding agreement. 4. indebtedness for a service or benefit (be under an obligation).
116.resemble -be like; have a similarity to, or the same appearance as.
117.unification - unifying or being unified.
118.unprompted - spontaneous.
119.versatile -1. adapting easily to different subjects or occupations; skilled in many subjects or occupations. 2. having many uses.
120.venture — 1. risky undertaking. 2. commercial speculation.
121.literal — 1. taking words in their basic sense without metaphor or allegory. 2. corresponding exactly to the original words (literal translation). 3 .prosaic; matter-of-fact. 4. so called without exaggeration (literal bankruptcy). 5. of a letter or the letters of the alphabet.
122.intimate - 1. (often foll. by that) state or make known. 2. imply, hint.
123.Xerox — 1. machine for copying by xerography. 2. copy thus made. —(xerox) reproduce by this process.
124.yarn — 1. spun thread, esp. for knitting, weaving, etc. 2. colloq. story, traveller's tale, anecdote.
125.zillion - indefinite large number. [probably after million]
126.Abridge - shorten (a book, film, etc.).
127.abscond - depart hurriedly and furtively, esp. to avoid arrest; escape.
128.accuracy - exactness or careful precision.
129.sedulous - persevering, diligent, painstaking.
130.propagate - 1. a. breed (a plant, animal, etc.) from the parent stock. b.(refl. or absol.) (of a plant, animal, etc.) reproduce itself. 2 .disseminate (a belief, theory, etc.). 3. transmit (a vibration, earthquake, etc.).
131.custody - 1. guardianship; protective care. 2. imprisonment.
132.lucid - 1. expressing or expressed clearly. 2. sane.
133.engaged - 1. pledged to marry. 2. (of a person) occupied, busy. 3. (of a telephone line, toilet, etc.) in use.
134.scrawl — 1. write or make (marks) in a hurried untidy way.
135.sagacious - showing insight or good judgement.
136.abrasive — 1. a. tending to rub or graze. b. capable of polishing by rubbing or grinding. 2. harsh or hurtful in manner.
137.incredulous - unwilling to believe; showing disbelief.
138.obnoxious - offensive, objectionable.
139.anxious - 1. mentally troubled. 2. causing or marked by anxiety (anxious moment). 3. eager, uneasily wanting (anxious to please).
140.annoy - 1, (often in passive) anger or distress slightly (am annoyed with you). 2. molest, harass.
141.vanish - 1. disappear. 2. cease to exist.
142.conflict — 1. a. state of opposition. b. fight, struggle. 2. (often foll. by of) clashing of opposed interests etc.
143.pest - 1. troublesome or annoying person or thing. 2. destructive animal, esp. one which attacks food sources.
144.complex — 1. building, series of rooms, etc., made up of related parts (shopping complex). 2. Psychol. group of usu. repressed feelings or thoughts which cause abnormal behaviour or mental states. 3 .preoccupation; feeling of inadequacy.
145.abode - dwelling-place.
146.insomnia - sleeplessness, esp. habitual.
147.kirk - church.
148.manifest — clear or obvious to the eye or mind. —v. 1. show (a quality or feeling) by one's acts etc. 2 .show plainly to the eye or mind. 3 be evidence of; prove. 4.refl. (of a thing) reveal itself. 5. (of a ghost) appear. —n. cargo or passenger list.
149.janitor - 1. doorkeeper. 2. caretaker.
150.scanty - 1. of small extent or amount. 2 .barely sufficient.
151.reverie - fit of abstracted musing, day-dream.
152.contra –comb. form against, opposite.
153.aboard - on or into (a ship, aircraft, etc.).
154.hike — 1. long walk, esp. in the country for pleasure. 2. rise in prices etc.
155.marvel — 1. wonderful thing. 2. (foll. by of) wonderful example of (a quality).
156.abolish - put an end to (esp. a custom or institution).
157.collapse — 1. falling down or in of a structure; folding up; giving way. 2. sudden failure of a plan etc. 3. physical or mental breakdown; exhaustion. — 1. (cause to) undergo collapse. 2. colloq. lie or sit down and relax, esp. after prolonged effort. 3. fold up.
158.accompany - 1. go with; escort. 2. (usu. in passive; foll. by with, by) be done or found with; supplement. 3. Mus. partner with accompaniment.
159.bliss - 1. perfect joy. 2. being in heaven.
160.booty - 1. loot, spoil. 2. prize or gain.
161.indignity - 1. humiliating treatment or quality. 2. insult.
162.infantry - body of foot-soldiers; foot-soldiers collectively.
163.leisure - 1. free time. 2. enjoyment of free time. - 1. not occupied. 2. in an unhurried manner. at one's leisure when one has time.
164.stride — 1. walk with long firm steps. 2. cross with one step. 3. bestride. — 1.a.single long step. b. length of this. 2. gait as determined by the length of stride. 3. progress (great strides). 4 .steady progress (get into one's stride).
165.lethargy - 1. lack of energy. 2. morbid drowsiness.
166.birch — 1. tree with pale hard wood and thin peeling bark, bearing catkins. 2. bundle of birch twigs used for flogging.
167.agenda -1. list of items to be considered at a meeting. 2. things to be done.
168.tomboy - boisterous girl who enjoys activities traditionally associated with boys.
169.industrious - hard-working.
170.industrial - 1. of, engaged in, or for use in or serving the needs of industries. 2. (of a nation etc.) having developed industries.
171.batter - 1. a. strike hard and repeatedly. b. (often foll. by against, at, etc.) pound insistently (batter at the door). 2. (often in passive) a subject to long-term violence (battered baby, wife). b criticize severely. 3.mixture of flour, egg, and milk or water, used for pancakes etc.
172.bilk - 1. cheat. 2 .elude. 3. avoid paying (a creditor or debt).
173.boastful - given to boasting.
174.Cahoots – making secret plans together.
175.Adonis - handsome young man.
176.articulate — fluent and clear in speech.
177.assiduous - 1. persevering, hard-working. 2. attending closely.
178.germinal - 1. of germs. 2. in the earliest stage of development. 3 .productive of new ideas.
179.incipient - 1. beginning. 2. in an early stage.
180.latex - 1. milky fluid of esp. the rubber tree. 2. synthetic product resembling this.
181.wage — fixed regular payment to an employee, esp. a manual worker. — carry on (a war etc.).
182.wan - pale; exhausted-looking.
183.yucky - 1. messy, repellent. 2. sickly, sentimental.
184.caw — harsh cry of a rook, crow, etc. — utter this cry. [imitative]
185.bouffant - puffed out.
186.legend - 1. a. traditional story; myth. b. these collectively. 2. famous or remarkable event or person.
187.fable - 1. a. fictional, esp. supernatural, story. b. moral tale, esp. with animals as characters. 2.legendary tales collectively (in fable). 3. a. lie. b. thing only supposed to exist.
188.principle - 1. fundamental truth or law as the basis of reasoning or action. 2. a. personal code of conduct (person of high principle). b. personal rules of conduct (has no principles). 3. general law in physics etc. 4. law of nature forming the basis for the construction or working of a machine etc. 5. fundamental source; primary element.
189.abrasive — 1. a. tending to rub or graze. b. capable of polishing by rubbing or grinding. 2. harsh or hurtful in manner.
190.refuse - items rejected as worthless; waste.
191.bow - 1. a. slip-knot with a double loop. b. ribbon etc. so tied. 2 .curved piece of wood etc. with a string stretched across its ends, for shooting arrows. 3. rod with horsehair stretched along its length, for playing the violin etc. 4. shallow curve or bend; thing of this form. 5. incline the head or body, esp. in greeting or acknowledgement. 6. submit (bowed to the inevitable). 7. cause (the head etc.) to incline. 8. front end of a boat. 9. rower nearest this.
192.yoke — wooden crosspiece fastened over the necks of two oxen etc. and attached to the plough or wagon to be pulled.
193.prefect - 1. chief administrative officer of a district, esp. in France. 2. senior pupil in a school, helping to maintain discipline.
194.fawn — 1. deer in its first year. 2. light yellowish brown. 3. behave servilely, cringe. 4. (of esp. a dog) show extreme affection.
195.thrive - 1. prosper, flourish. 2. grow rich. 3. (of a child, animal, or plant) grow vigorously.
196.blunder — serious or foolish mistake.
197.consortium - association, esp. of several business companies.
198.dishearten - cause to lose courage, hope, or confidence.
199.duress - 1. compulsion, esp. illegal use of threats or violence . 2. imprisonment.
200.eligible - 1. fit or entitled to be chosen (eligible for a rebate). 2. desirable or suitable, esp. for marriage.
201.erudite - learned.
202.excursion - journey (usu. a day-trip) to a place and back, made for pleasure.
203.flatter - 1. compliment unduly, esp. for gain or advantage. 2. congratulate or delude . 3 enhance the appearance of . 4. cause to feel honoured.
204.flaunt - display proudly; show off; parade.
205.forgo- go without; relinquish.
206.forte - person's strong point or speciality.
207.futile - 1. useless, ineffectual. 2. frivolous.
208.gale - 1. very strong wind or storm. 2. outburst, esp. of laughter.
209.generous - 1.giving or given freely. 2. magnanimous, unprejudiced. 3. abundant, copious.
210.impeccable - faultless, exemplary.
211.aggregate — 1. sum total, amount assembled. 2. crushed stone etc. used in making concrete. 3. rock formed of a mass of different particles or minerals.
212.aggressor - person or party that attacks without provocation.
213.astonish - surprise greatly, amaze.
214.shadow -boxing - boxing with an imaginary opponent as training.
215.shadowy - 1. like or having a shadow. 2. vague, indistinct.
Word meanings
1.adversity - misfortune, distress.
2.competent - 1. adequately qualified or capable. 2. effective.
3.economy - 1. a. community's system of wealth creation. b .particular kind of this (a capitalist economy). c. administration or condition of this. 2. a. careful management of (esp. financial) resources; frugality. b. instance of this (made many economies). 3 .sparing or careful use (economy of language).
4.emancipate - 1. free from social or political restraint. 2. free from the inhibitions of moral or social conventions. 3. free from slavery.
5.enrich - 1. make rich or richer. 2. make more nutritive. 3. increase the strength, wealth, value, or contents of.
6.barren - 1. unable to bear young. unproductive. 2. unprofitable, dull.
7.depreciate - 1. diminish in value. 2. belittle.
8.analysis - detailed examination of elements or structure.
9.contract — 1. written or spoken agreement, esp. one enforceable by law. 2. document recording this. — 1. make or become smaller. 2. a. make a contract. b. (often foll. by out) arrange (work) to be done by contract.
10.confess - 1. a. acknowledge or admit (a fault, crime, etc.). b. admit to. 2. admit reluctantly. 3. a. declare (one's sins) to a priest. b. (of a priest) hear the confession of.
11.absurd - wildly illogical or inappropriate; ridiculous.
12.coarse - 1. rough or loose in texture; made of large particles. 2. lacking refinement; crude, obscene.
13.hideous - 1. very ugly, revolting. 2. colloq. unpleasant.
14.civilize - 1. bring out of a barbarous or primitive stage of society. 2. enlighten; refine and educate.
15.deficit - 1. amount by which a thing (esp. money) is too small. 2. excess of liabilities over assets.
16.plenty — abundance, sufficient quantity or number.
17.impolite - ill-mannered, uncivil, rude.
18.crush — 1. compress with force or violence, so as to break, bruise, etc. 2. reduce to powder by pressure. 3. crease or crumple. 4. defeat or subdue completely.
19.bravo — expressing approval.
20.feral - 1. wild; uncultivated. 2. (of an animal) escaped and living wild. 3 brutal.
21.nervy - nervous; easily excited.
22.zoology - the study of animals.
23.proximate - 1. nearest or next before or after (in place, order, time, causation, thought process, etc.). 2. approximate.
24.publicity - 1. public exposure. 2. a .advertising. b .material used for this.
25.dummy — 1. model of a human figure, esp. as used to display clothes or by a ventriloquist or as a target. 2. imitation object used to replace a real or normal one. 3. baby's rubber or plastic teat. 4. stupid person. 5. figurehead.
26.obligatory - 1. binding. 2. compulsory.
27.donor - 1. person who donates (e.g. to charity). 2. person who provides blood, semen, or an organ or tissue for medical use.
28.graphology - the study of handwriting, esp. as a supposed guide to character.
29.marvellous - 1. astonishing. 2. excellent.
30.notify - 1.inform or give formal notice to (a person). 2. make known.
31.unarmed - not armed; without weapons.
32.horoscope - 1. forecast of a person's future from a diagram showing the relative positions of the stars and planets at his or her birth. 2. such a diagram.
33.drove - 1. a. moving crowd. b. great number (people arrived in droves). 2. herd or flock driven or moving together.
34.prey — animal that is hunted or killed by another for food.
35.curious - 1. eager to learn; inquisitive. 2. strange, surprising, odd.
36.dainty — 1. delicately pretty. 2. delicate or small. 3 .(of food) choice.
37.delude - deceive, mislead.
38.carpus - small bones forming the wrist in humans and similar parts in other mammals.
39.caribou - reindeer.
40.cardiac - of the heart.
41.caries - decay of a tooth or bone.
42.sweep — 1. clean or clear (a room or area etc.) (as) with a broom. 2. clean a room etc. in this way. 3. collect or remove (dirt etc.) by sweeping. 4.a. push (as) with a broom. b. dismiss abruptly. 5. carry or drive along with force. 6. remove or clear forcefully. 7. traverse swiftly or lightly. 8. impart a sweeping motion to. 9. swiftly cover or affect. 10. a. glide swiftly; speed along. b. go majestically. 11. (of landscape etc.) be rolling or spacious. — 1. act or motion of sweeping. 2. curve in the road, sweeping line of a hill, etc. 3. range or scope.
43.furious - 1. very angry. 2. raging, frantic.
44.mall -1. sheltered walk or promenade. 2. shopping precinct.
45.gale - 1. very strong wind or storm. 2. outburst, esp. of laughter.
46.enthusiasm - 1. strong interest or admiration, great eagerness. 2. object of enthusiasm.
47.gutsy - 1. courageous. 2. greedy.
48.misty - 1. of or covered with mist. 2. dim in outline.
49.nectar - 1. sugary substance produced by plants and made into honey by bees. 2. (in Greek and Roman mythology) the drink of the gods. 3. drink compared to this.
50.venom - 1. poisonous fluid of esp. snakes. 2. malignity; virulence.
51.bookworm - 1. devoted reader. 2. larva feeding on the paper and glue in books.
52.miserable - 1. wretchedly unhappy or uncomfortable. 2. contemptible, mean. 3. causing wretchedness or discomfort (miserable weather).
53.groan — 1. a. make a deep sound expressing pain, grief, or disapproval. b. utter with groans. 2. be loaded or oppressed. —.sound made in groaning.
54.inspect - 1. look closely at. 2. examine officially.
55.vanish - 1. disappear. 2. cease to exist.
56.determination - 1. firmness of purpose; resoluteness. 2. process of deciding or determining.
57.scowl — severe frowning or sullen expression.
58.rattle — 1. a. give out a rapid succession of short sharp hard sounds. b. cause to do this. c. cause such sounds by shaking something. 2.a. move with a rattling noise. b. move or travel briskly. 3. a. say or recite rapidly. b. talk in a lively thoughtless way.
59.esteem — 1. ( have a high regard for. 2. formal consider (esteemed it an honour). — high regard; favour.
60.frequent — 1. occurring often or in close succession. 2. habitual, constant. — attend or go to habitually.
61.nobble - 1. try to influence (e.g. a judge), esp. unfairly. 2. tamper with (a racehorse) to prevent its winning. 3. steal. 4. seize, catch.
62.idealize - regard or represent as ideal or perfect.
63.budge - 1. move slightly. 2. change an opinion.
64.paddock - 1. small field, esp. for keeping horses in. 2. turf enclosure at a racecourse for horses or cars.
65.moist - slightly wet; damp.
66.accession — 1. taking office, esp. as monarch. 2. thing added. — record the addition of (a new item) to a library etc.
67.inspiration - 1. a. creative force or influence. b. person etc. stimulating creativity etc. c. divine influence, esp. on the writing of Scripture etc. 2. sudden brilliant idea.
68.clearing - open area in a forest.
69.crush — 1. compress with force or violence, so as to break, bruise, etc. 2. reduce to powder by pressure. 3. crease or crumple. 4. defeat or subdue completely. — 1. act of crushing. 2. crowded mass of people. 3. drink from the juice of crushed fruit.
70.karaoke - entertainment in nightclubs etc. with customers singing to a backing track.
71.mince — 1. cut up or grind (esp. meat) finely. 2. speak or esp. walk effeminately or affectedly.
72.babel - 1. confused noise, esp. of voices. 2. scene of confusion.
73.wizard — 1. sorcerer; magician. 2. person of remarkable powers, genius.
74.accumulate - 1. acquire an increasing number or quantity of; amass, collect. 2. grow numerous; increase.
75.fortification -1. act of fortifying. 2. defensive works, walls, etc.
76.embitter - arouse bitter feelings in.
77.neurology - the study of nerve systems.
78.rouble - chief monetary unit of Russia etc.
79.stance - 1. standpoint; attitude. 2. attitude or position of the body, esp. when hitting a ball etc.
80.aspiration - 1. ambition or desire. 2. drawing breath or Phonet. aspirating.
81.mythology - 1. body of myths. 2. the study of myths.
82.precipitation - 1. precipitating or being precipitated. 2. rash haste. 3. a. rain or snow etc. falling to the ground. b. quantity of this.
83.massive - large and heavy or solid.
84.squawk — 1. loud harsh cry, esp. of a bird. 2. complaint.
85.detach - 1. unfasten or disengage and remove. 2. send (troops etc.) on a separate mission. 3. a. impartial; unemotional. b. (esp. of a house) standing separate.
86.tempera - 1. method of painting using an emulsion, e.g. of pigment with egg-yolk and water, esp. on canvas. 2. this emulsion.
87.ethereal - 1. light, airy. 2. highly delicate, esp. in appearance. 3. heavenly.
88.considerable - 1. much; a lot of (considerable pain). 2. notable, important.
89.blush — 1. a. become pink in the face from embarrassment or shame. b. (of the face) redden thus. 2. feel embarrassed or ashamed. 3. redden.
90.dismay — intense disappointment or despair.
91.pane - single sheet of glass in a window or door.
92.squabble — petty or noisy quarrel.
93.regret —1. feel or express sorrow, repentance, or distress over (an action or loss etc.). 2. acknowledge with sorrow or remorse (regret to say).
94.bossy - domineering.
95.concede - 1. admit to be true. 2. admit defeat in. 3. grant
96.penalize - 1. subject (a person) to a penalty or disadvantage. 2. make or declare (an action) penal.
97.composite —1. made up of parts. 2. of mixed Ionic and Corinthian style. 3. (of a plant) having a head of many flowers forming one bloom.
98.gloom - 1. darkness; obscurity. 2. melancholy; despondency.
99.ignorant - 1. lacking knowledge (esp. of a fact or subject). 2 . uncouth.
100.dreadful - 1. terrible. 2 . very annoying, very bad.
101.bruise — 1. discolouration of the skin caused esp. by a blow. 2. similar damage on a fruit etc.
102.sprig — 1. small branch or shoot. 2. ornament resembling this, esp. on fabric.
103.swot - 1. study hard. 2.study (a subject) hard or hurriedly.
104.giddy - 1. dizzy, tending to fall or stagger. 2. a. mentally intoxicated (giddy with success). b. excitable, frivolous, flighty. 3. making dizzy (giddy heights).
105.exaggerate - 1. make (a thing) seem larger or greater etc. than it really is. 2. increase beyond normal or due proportions (exaggerated politeness).
106.blossom — 1. flower or mass of flowers, esp. of a fruit-tree. 2 .promising stage (blossom of youth).
107.indispensable - that cannot be dispensed with; necessary.
108.gazette — 1. newspaper (used in the title). 2. official publication with announcements etc. — announce or name in an official gazette.
109.eminent - distinguished, notable, outstanding.
110.decadence - 1. moral or cultural decline. 2. immoral behaviour.
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imp note – hello friends I am shrey-kapoor and I want to tell you that I have written the meanings of the words given below but I have also written the further meanings of that meaning.7 th class words-meanings are given after viii c.
1.mournful - doleful, sad, expressing mourning.
2.commend - 1 praise. 2 entrust, commit. 3 recommend.
3.soothe - 1 calm (a person, feelings, etc). 2 soften or mitigate (pain etc.).
4.evident - plain or obvious; manifest.
5.corrupt — 1.dishonest, esp. using bribery. 2 immoral; wicked. 3 (of a text etc.) made unreliable by errors or alterations.
6.hamburger - cake of minced beef, usu. eaten in a soft bread roll.
7.psychiatry - the study and treatment of mental disease.
8.corrugate - (esp. as corrugated adj.) form into alternate ridges and grooves, esp. to strengthen (corrugated iron).
9.stash —(often foll. by away) 1 conceal; put in a safe place. 2 hoard. —1 hiding-place. 2 thing hidden.
10.heckle —interrupt and harass (a public speaker).
11.extort - obtain by coercion. [Latin torqueo tort- twist]
12.chauffeur — person employed to drive a car. — drive (a car or person) as a chauffeur.
13.expulsion -expelling or being expelled.
14.proton - elementary particle with a positive electric charge equal to that of an electron, and occurring in all atomic nuclei.
15.incredible - that cannot be believed.
16.manic -1. of or affected by mania. 2 . wildly excited; frenzied; excitable.
17.mangy -1 having mange. 2 squalid; shabby.
18.etymology - 1. a .derivation and development of a word in form and meaning. b. account of these. 2. the study of word origins.
19.whisper — speak very softly without vibration of the vocal cords.
20.ignorance - lack of knowledge.
21.mart - 1. trade centre. 2 .auction-room. 3. market.
22.penthouse -(esp. luxurious) flat on the roof or top floor of a tall building.
23.sack — a large strong bag for storage or conveyance.
24.clash — 1. a. loud jarring sound as of metal objects struck together. b. collision. 2. a. conflict. b .discord of colours etc. — 1 .(cause to) make a clashing sound. 2. collide; coincide awkwardly. 3 .(often foll. by with) a .come into conflict or be at variance. b. (of colours) be discordant.
25.mitigate - make less intense or severe.
26.serene - 1 .clear and calm. 2 .tranquil, unperturbed.
27.alacrity -briskness; cheerful readiness.
28.onus - burden, duty, responsibility.
29.petulant -peevishly impatient or irritable.
30.precious — 1. of great value or worth. 2 .beloved; much prized (precious memories).
31.pretend — 1 .claim or assert falsely so as to deceive (pretend knowledge; pretended to be rich). 2 .imagine to oneself in play (pretended it was night). 3. (as pretended adj.) falsely claim to be such (a pretended friend). 4. a lay claim to (a right or title etc.). b profess to have (a quality etc.). —adj. colloq. pretended; in pretence (pretend money).
32.sympathy -1 a .sharing of another's feelings. b. capacity for this. 2 .a .(often foll. by with) sharing or tendency to share (with a person etc.) in an emotion, sensation, or condition. b. (in sing. or pl.) compassion or commiseration; condolences. 3. (often foll. by for) approval. 4. (in sing. or pl.; often foll. by with) agreement (with a person etc.) in opinion or desire.
33.accurate - careful, precise; conforming exactly with the truth or a standard.
34.fabric - 1 .woven material; cloth. 2 .walls, floor, and roof of a building. 3 .essential structure.
35.declare - announce openly or formally .
36.anxious - 1. mentally troubled. 2 .causing or marked by anxiety (anxious moment). 3 .eager, uneasily wanting (anxious to please).
37.marvellous -1 .astonishing. 2 .excellent.
38.frighten -1. fill with fright (the bang frightened me; frightened of dogs). 2. (foll. by away, off, out of, into) drive by fright.
39.grateful -1. thankful; feeling or showing gratitude. 2. pleasant, acceptable.
40.swoop — 1. (often foll. by down) descend rapidly like a bird of prey. 2 make a sudden attack.
41.streak - 1. long thin usu. irregular line or band, esp. of colour.
42.nudge —1 .prod gently with the elbow to attract attention. 2. push gradually.
43.lanky - ungracefully thin and long or tall.
44.inevitable — 1 .unavoidable; sure to happen.
45.affront — insult.
46.pantry - 1. small room or cupboard in which crockery, cutlery, table linen, etc., are kept.
47.flapjack - 1 sweet oatcake. 2 esp. US pancake.
48.capable - 1 .competent, able, gifted. 2 .(foll. by of) a having the ability, fitness, etc.
49.hawker - person who travels about selling goods.
50.hazard —danger or risk.
51.contrived -artificial, forced.
52.snorkel — 1. breathing-tube for an underwater swimmer. 2. device for supplying air to a submerged submarine.
53.reputation - 1. what is generally said or believed about a person's or thing's character (reputation for honesty; reputation of being a crook). 2 .state of being well thought of; respectability (lost its reputation).
54.renew - 1.revive; make new again; restore to the original state. 2. reinforce; resupply; replace. 3.repeat or re-establish, resume after an interruption (renewed our acquaintance). 4 .(also absol.) grant or be granted continuation of (a licence, subscription, lease, etc.). 5 .recover (strength etc.).
55.gymnast - person who does gymnastics, esp. an expert.
56.dwarf — 1. person, animal, or plant much below normal size. 2. small mythological being with magical powers. 3 .small usu. dense star. — 1. stunt in growth. 2. make seem small.
57.regret — 1. feel or express sorrow, repentance, or distress over (an action or loss etc.). 2 .acknowledge with sorrow or remorse (regret to say). —feeling of sorrow, repentance, etc., over an action or loss etc. give (or send) one's regrets formally decline an invitation.
58.furtive - sly, stealthy.
59.meditate - 1. (often foll. by on, upon) engage in (esp. religious) contemplation. 2. plan mentally.
60.occasional - 1 .happening irregularly and infrequently. 2. made or meant for, or acting on, a special occasion.
61.obstruct - 1. block up; make hard or impossible to pass along or through. 2 .prevent or retard the progress of.
62.revive - 1. come or bring back to consciousness, life, or strength. 2. come or bring back to existence, or to use or notice etc.
63.revivify - restore to animation, vigour, or life.
64.revolt —1. rise in rebellion. 2 .a. affect with strong disgust. b. (often foll. by at, against) feel strong disgust. — 1. act of rebelling. 2. state of insurrection. 3 .sense of disgust. 4. mood of protest or defiance.
65.revue -entertainment of short usu. satirical sketches and songs.
66.rhea - S. American flightless ostrich-like bird.
67.rheostat -instrument used to control an electric current by varying the resistance.
68.rhesus -(in full rhesus monkey) small N. Indian monkey.
69.rhetoric - 1. art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing. 2 .language designed to persuade or impress (esp. seen as overblown and meaningless).
70.rhinestone -imitation diamond.
71.rhyming slang -slang that replaces words by rhyming words or phrases, e.g. suit by whistle and flute.
72.Richter scale - scale of 0–10 for representing the strength of an earthquake.
73.ricotta -soft Italian cheese.
74.Right Honourable -title given to certain high officials, e.g. Privy Counsellors.
75.Scientology -system of religious philosophy based on self-improvement and graded courses of study and training.
76.memoir - 1. historical account etc. written from personal knowledge or special sources. 2.autobiography, esp. partial or dealing with specific events or people. 3 .essay on a learned subject.
77.stifle -1. suppress. 2. feel or make unable to breathe easily; suffocate. 3. kill by suffocating.
78.vagrant — unemployed itinerant.
79.gismo - slang gadget.
80.elaborate — 1.minutely worked out. 2. complicated. — work out or explain in detail.
81.luster - 1. gloss, shining surface. 2. brilliance, splendour. 3. iridescent glaze on pottery and porcelain.
82.encapsulate - 1. enclose in or as in a capsule. 2. express briefly, summarize.
83.endeavour - try earnestly.
84.odyssey -long adventurous journey. [title of the Homeric epic poem on the adventures of Odysseus] .
85.neglect — 1. fail to care for or to do; be remiss about. 2 fail; overlook the need to. 3 not pay attention to; disregard. — 1 .negligence. 2 .neglecting or being neglected. 3 (usu. foll. by of) disregard.
86.navigate - 1.manage or direct the course of (a ship or aircraft) using maps and instruments. 2. a .sail on (a sea, river, etc.). b. fly through (the air). 3 .(in a car etc.) assist the driver by map-reading etc. 4 .sail a ship; sail in a ship.
87.lucrative -profitable.
88.limelight - 1. intense white light used formerly in theatres. 2. (prec. by the) the glare of publicity.
89.oust - drive out or expel, esp. by seizing the place of.
90.nab -slang 1. arrest; catch in wrongdoing. 2. grab.
91.obstruct -1. block up; make hard or impossible to pass along or through. 2. prevent or retard the progress of.
92.crinkle — wrinkle or crease. — form crinkles (in).
93.bisect - divide into two (strictly, equal) parts.
94.astern - (often foll. by of) 1. in or to the rear of a ship or aircraft. 2 .backwards.
95.lunacy - 1. insanity. 2. mental unsoundness. 3 .great folly.
96.academician -member of an Academy.
97.activate - 1. make active. 2. Chem. cause reaction in. 3. make radioactive.
98.baggage - 1. luggage. 2. portable army equipment.
99.buttercup - wild plant with yellow cup-shaped flowers.
100.colonize - 1. establish a colony in. 2. join a colony.
101.discard - 1. reject as unwanted. 2. remove or put aside.
102.duplex — (often attrib.) esp. US 1. flat on two floors. 2 .house subdivided for two families; semi-detached house. — 1. of two parts. 2. Computing (of a circuit) allowing simultaneous two-way transmission of signals.
103.ecosystem -biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.
104.frisson - emotional thrill.
105.graduate —person holding an academic degree. — 1. obtain an academic degree. 2 .(foll. by to) move up to (a higher grade of activity etc.). 3 .mark out in degrees or parts. 4. arrange in gradations; apportion (e.g. tax) according to a scale.
106.haggard - looking exhausted and distraught.
107.hale - strong and healthy (esp. in hale and hearty).
108.impractical - 1. not practical. 2. esp. US not practicable.
109.mettle -1. quality or strength of character. 2 spirit, courage.
110.awesome -inspiring awe; dreaded.
111.auction — sale in which articles are sold to the highest bidder.
112.fluent - 1. (of speech, style, etc.) flowing, natural. 2. verbally facile, esp. in a foreign language (fluent in German).
113.grievous -1. (of pain etc.) severe. 2. causing grief. 3 .injurious. 4. flagrant, heinous.
114.paradox - 1. a. seemingly absurd or contradictory though often true statement. b.self-contradictory or absurd statement. 2. person or thing having contradictory qualities etc. 3. paradoxical quality.
115.obligation - 1. constraining power of a law, duty, contract, etc. 2. duty, task. 3. binding agreement. 4. indebtedness for a service or benefit (be under an obligation).
116.resemble -be like; have a similarity to, or the same appearance as.
117.unification - unifying or being unified.
118.unprompted - spontaneous.
119.versatile -1. adapting easily to different subjects or occupations; skilled in many subjects or occupations. 2. having many uses.
120.venture — 1. risky undertaking. 2. commercial speculation.
121.literal — 1. taking words in their basic sense without metaphor or allegory. 2. corresponding exactly to the original words (literal translation). 3 .prosaic; matter-of-fact. 4. so called without exaggeration (literal bankruptcy). 5. of a letter or the letters of the alphabet.
122.intimate - 1. (often foll. by that) state or make known. 2. imply, hint.
123.Xerox — 1. machine for copying by xerography. 2. copy thus made. —(xerox) reproduce by this process.
124.yarn — 1. spun thread, esp. for knitting, weaving, etc. 2. colloq. story, traveller's tale, anecdote.
125.zillion - indefinite large number. [probably after million]
126.Abridge - shorten (a book, film, etc.).
127.abscond - depart hurriedly and furtively, esp. to avoid arrest; escape.
128.accuracy - exactness or careful precision.
129.sedulous - persevering, diligent, painstaking.
130.propagate - 1. a. breed (a plant, animal, etc.) from the parent stock. b.(refl. or absol.) (of a plant, animal, etc.) reproduce itself. 2 .disseminate (a belief, theory, etc.). 3. transmit (a vibration, earthquake, etc.).
131.custody - 1. guardianship; protective care. 2. imprisonment.
132.lucid - 1. expressing or expressed clearly. 2. sane.
133.engaged - 1. pledged to marry. 2. (of a person) occupied, busy. 3. (of a telephone line, toilet, etc.) in use.
134.scrawl — 1. write or make (marks) in a hurried untidy way.
135.sagacious - showing insight or good judgement.
136.abrasive — 1. a. tending to rub or graze. b. capable of polishing by rubbing or grinding. 2. harsh or hurtful in manner.
137.incredulous - unwilling to believe; showing disbelief.
138.obnoxious - offensive, objectionable.
139.anxious - 1. mentally troubled. 2. causing or marked by anxiety (anxious moment). 3. eager, uneasily wanting (anxious to please).
140.annoy - 1, (often in passive) anger or distress slightly (am annoyed with you). 2. molest, harass.
141.vanish - 1. disappear. 2. cease to exist.
142.conflict — 1. a. state of opposition. b. fight, struggle. 2. (often foll. by of) clashing of opposed interests etc.
143.pest - 1. troublesome or annoying person or thing. 2. destructive animal, esp. one which attacks food sources.
144.complex — 1. building, series of rooms, etc., made up of related parts (shopping complex). 2. Psychol. group of usu. repressed feelings or thoughts which cause abnormal behaviour or mental states. 3 .preoccupation; feeling of inadequacy.
145.abode - dwelling-place.
146.insomnia - sleeplessness, esp. habitual.
147.kirk - church.
148.manifest — clear or obvious to the eye or mind. —v. 1. show (a quality or feeling) by one's acts etc. 2 .show plainly to the eye or mind. 3 be evidence of; prove. 4.refl. (of a thing) reveal itself. 5. (of a ghost) appear. —n. cargo or passenger list.
149.janitor - 1. doorkeeper. 2. caretaker.
150.scanty - 1. of small extent or amount. 2 .barely sufficient.
151.reverie - fit of abstracted musing, day-dream.
152.contra –comb. form against, opposite.
153.aboard - on or into (a ship, aircraft, etc.).
154.hike — 1. long walk, esp. in the country for pleasure. 2. rise in prices etc.
155.marvel — 1. wonderful thing. 2. (foll. by of) wonderful example of (a quality).
156.abolish - put an end to (esp. a custom or institution).
157.collapse — 1. falling down or in of a structure; folding up; giving way. 2. sudden failure of a plan etc. 3. physical or mental breakdown; exhaustion. — 1. (cause to) undergo collapse. 2. colloq. lie or sit down and relax, esp. after prolonged effort. 3. fold up.
158.accompany - 1. go with; escort. 2. (usu. in passive; foll. by with, by) be done or found with; supplement. 3. Mus. partner with accompaniment.
159.bliss - 1. perfect joy. 2. being in heaven.
160.booty - 1. loot, spoil. 2. prize or gain.
161.indignity - 1. humiliating treatment or quality. 2. insult.
162.infantry - body of foot-soldiers; foot-soldiers collectively.
163.leisure - 1. free time. 2. enjoyment of free time. - 1. not occupied. 2. in an unhurried manner. at one's leisure when one has time.
164.stride — 1. walk with long firm steps. 2. cross with one step. 3. bestride. — 1.a.single long step. b. length of this. 2. gait as determined by the length of stride. 3. progress (great strides). 4 .steady progress (get into one's stride).
165.lethargy - 1. lack of energy. 2. morbid drowsiness.
166.birch — 1. tree with pale hard wood and thin peeling bark, bearing catkins. 2. bundle of birch twigs used for flogging.
167.agenda -1. list of items to be considered at a meeting. 2. things to be done.
168.tomboy - boisterous girl who enjoys activities traditionally associated with boys.
169.industrious - hard-working.
170.industrial - 1. of, engaged in, or for use in or serving the needs of industries. 2. (of a nation etc.) having developed industries.
171.batter - 1. a. strike hard and repeatedly. b. (often foll. by against, at, etc.) pound insistently (batter at the door). 2. (often in passive) a subject to long-term violence (battered baby, wife). b criticize severely. 3.mixture of flour, egg, and milk or water, used for pancakes etc.
172.bilk - 1. cheat. 2 .elude. 3. avoid paying (a creditor or debt).
173.boastful - given to boasting.
174.Cahoots – making secret plans together.
175.Adonis - handsome young man.
176.articulate — fluent and clear in speech.
177.assiduous - 1. persevering, hard-working. 2. attending closely.
178.germinal - 1. of germs. 2. in the earliest stage of development. 3 .productive of new ideas.
179.incipient - 1. beginning. 2. in an early stage.
180.latex - 1. milky fluid of esp. the rubber tree. 2. synthetic product resembling this.
181.wage — fixed regular payment to an employee, esp. a manual worker. — carry on (a war etc.).
182.wan - pale; exhausted-looking.
183.yucky - 1. messy, repellent. 2. sickly, sentimental.
184.caw — harsh cry of a rook, crow, etc. — utter this cry. [imitative]
185.bouffant - puffed out.
186.legend - 1. a. traditional story; myth. b. these collectively. 2. famous or remarkable event or person.
187.fable - 1. a. fictional, esp. supernatural, story. b. moral tale, esp. with animals as characters. 2.legendary tales collectively (in fable). 3. a. lie. b. thing only supposed to exist.
188.principle - 1. fundamental truth or law as the basis of reasoning or action. 2. a. personal code of conduct (person of high principle). b. personal rules of conduct (has no principles). 3. general law in physics etc. 4. law of nature forming the basis for the construction or working of a machine etc. 5. fundamental source; primary element.
189.abrasive — 1. a. tending to rub or graze. b. capable of polishing by rubbing or grinding. 2. harsh or hurtful in manner.
190.refuse - items rejected as worthless; waste.
191.bow - 1. a. slip-knot with a double loop. b. ribbon etc. so tied. 2 .curved piece of wood etc. with a string stretched across its ends, for shooting arrows. 3. rod with horsehair stretched along its length, for playing the violin etc. 4. shallow curve or bend; thing of this form. 5. incline the head or body, esp. in greeting or acknowledgement. 6. submit (bowed to the inevitable). 7. cause (the head etc.) to incline. 8. front end of a boat. 9. rower nearest this.
192.yoke — wooden crosspiece fastened over the necks of two oxen etc. and attached to the plough or wagon to be pulled.
193.prefect - 1. chief administrative officer of a district, esp. in France. 2. senior pupil in a school, helping to maintain discipline.
194.fawn — 1. deer in its first year. 2. light yellowish brown. 3. behave servilely, cringe. 4. (of esp. a dog) show extreme affection.
195.thrive - 1. prosper, flourish. 2. grow rich. 3. (of a child, animal, or plant) grow vigorously.
196.blunder — serious or foolish mistake.
197.consortium - association, esp. of several business companies.
198.dishearten - cause to lose courage, hope, or confidence.
199.duress - 1. compulsion, esp. illegal use of threats or violence . 2. imprisonment.
200.eligible - 1. fit or entitled to be chosen (eligible for a rebate). 2. desirable or suitable, esp. for marriage.
201.erudite - learned.
202.excursion - journey (usu. a day-trip) to a place and back, made for pleasure.
203.flatter - 1. compliment unduly, esp. for gain or advantage. 2. congratulate or delude . 3 enhance the appearance of . 4. cause to feel honoured.
204.flaunt - display proudly; show off; parade.
205.forgo- go without; relinquish.
206.forte - person's strong point or speciality.
207.futile - 1. useless, ineffectual. 2. frivolous.
208.gale - 1. very strong wind or storm. 2. outburst, esp. of laughter.
209.generous - 1.giving or given freely. 2. magnanimous, unprejudiced. 3. abundant, copious.
210.impeccable - faultless, exemplary.
211.aggregate — 1. sum total, amount assembled. 2. crushed stone etc. used in making concrete. 3. rock formed of a mass of different particles or minerals.
212.aggressor - person or party that attacks without provocation.
213.astonish - surprise greatly, amaze.
214.shadow -boxing - boxing with an imaginary opponent as training.
215.shadowy - 1. like or having a shadow. 2. vague, indistinct.
Word meanings
1.adversity - misfortune, distress.
2.competent - 1. adequately qualified or capable. 2. effective.
3.economy - 1. a. community's system of wealth creation. b .particular kind of this (a capitalist economy). c. administration or condition of this. 2. a. careful management of (esp. financial) resources; frugality. b. instance of this (made many economies). 3 .sparing or careful use (economy of language).
4.emancipate - 1. free from social or political restraint. 2. free from the inhibitions of moral or social conventions. 3. free from slavery.
5.enrich - 1. make rich or richer. 2. make more nutritive. 3. increase the strength, wealth, value, or contents of.
6.barren - 1. unable to bear young. unproductive. 2. unprofitable, dull.
7.depreciate - 1. diminish in value. 2. belittle.
8.analysis - detailed examination of elements or structure.
9.contract — 1. written or spoken agreement, esp. one enforceable by law. 2. document recording this. — 1. make or become smaller. 2. a. make a contract. b. (often foll. by out) arrange (work) to be done by contract.
10.confess - 1. a. acknowledge or admit (a fault, crime, etc.). b. admit to. 2. admit reluctantly. 3. a. declare (one's sins) to a priest. b. (of a priest) hear the confession of.
11.absurd - wildly illogical or inappropriate; ridiculous.
12.coarse - 1. rough or loose in texture; made of large particles. 2. lacking refinement; crude, obscene.
13.hideous - 1. very ugly, revolting. 2. colloq. unpleasant.
14.civilize - 1. bring out of a barbarous or primitive stage of society. 2. enlighten; refine and educate.
15.deficit - 1. amount by which a thing (esp. money) is too small. 2. excess of liabilities over assets.
16.plenty — abundance, sufficient quantity or number.
17.impolite - ill-mannered, uncivil, rude.
18.crush — 1. compress with force or violence, so as to break, bruise, etc. 2. reduce to powder by pressure. 3. crease or crumple. 4. defeat or subdue completely.
19.bravo — expressing approval.
20.feral - 1. wild; uncultivated. 2. (of an animal) escaped and living wild. 3 brutal.
21.nervy - nervous; easily excited.
22.zoology - the study of animals.
23.proximate - 1. nearest or next before or after (in place, order, time, causation, thought process, etc.). 2. approximate.
24.publicity - 1. public exposure. 2. a .advertising. b .material used for this.
25.dummy — 1. model of a human figure, esp. as used to display clothes or by a ventriloquist or as a target. 2. imitation object used to replace a real or normal one. 3. baby's rubber or plastic teat. 4. stupid person. 5. figurehead.
26.obligatory - 1. binding. 2. compulsory.
27.donor - 1. person who donates (e.g. to charity). 2. person who provides blood, semen, or an organ or tissue for medical use.
28.graphology - the study of handwriting, esp. as a supposed guide to character.
29.marvellous - 1. astonishing. 2. excellent.
30.notify - 1.inform or give formal notice to (a person). 2. make known.
31.unarmed - not armed; without weapons.
32.horoscope - 1. forecast of a person's future from a diagram showing the relative positions of the stars and planets at his or her birth. 2. such a diagram.
33.drove - 1. a. moving crowd. b. great number (people arrived in droves). 2. herd or flock driven or moving together.
34.prey — animal that is hunted or killed by another for food.
35.curious - 1. eager to learn; inquisitive. 2. strange, surprising, odd.
36.dainty — 1. delicately pretty. 2. delicate or small. 3 .(of food) choice.
37.delude - deceive, mislead.
38.carpus - small bones forming the wrist in humans and similar parts in other mammals.
39.caribou - reindeer.
40.cardiac - of the heart.
41.caries - decay of a tooth or bone.
42.sweep — 1. clean or clear (a room or area etc.) (as) with a broom. 2. clean a room etc. in this way. 3. collect or remove (dirt etc.) by sweeping. 4.a. push (as) with a broom. b. dismiss abruptly. 5. carry or drive along with force. 6. remove or clear forcefully. 7. traverse swiftly or lightly. 8. impart a sweeping motion to. 9. swiftly cover or affect. 10. a. glide swiftly; speed along. b. go majestically. 11. (of landscape etc.) be rolling or spacious. — 1. act or motion of sweeping. 2. curve in the road, sweeping line of a hill, etc. 3. range or scope.
43.furious - 1. very angry. 2. raging, frantic.
44.mall -1. sheltered walk or promenade. 2. shopping precinct.
45.gale - 1. very strong wind or storm. 2. outburst, esp. of laughter.
46.enthusiasm - 1. strong interest or admiration, great eagerness. 2. object of enthusiasm.
47.gutsy - 1. courageous. 2. greedy.
48.misty - 1. of or covered with mist. 2. dim in outline.
49.nectar - 1. sugary substance produced by plants and made into honey by bees. 2. (in Greek and Roman mythology) the drink of the gods. 3. drink compared to this.
50.venom - 1. poisonous fluid of esp. snakes. 2. malignity; virulence.
51.bookworm - 1. devoted reader. 2. larva feeding on the paper and glue in books.
52.miserable - 1. wretchedly unhappy or uncomfortable. 2. contemptible, mean. 3. causing wretchedness or discomfort (miserable weather).
53.groan — 1. a. make a deep sound expressing pain, grief, or disapproval. b. utter with groans. 2. be loaded or oppressed. —.sound made in groaning.
54.inspect - 1. look closely at. 2. examine officially.
55.vanish - 1. disappear. 2. cease to exist.
56.determination - 1. firmness of purpose; resoluteness. 2. process of deciding or determining.
57.scowl — severe frowning or sullen expression.
58.rattle — 1. a. give out a rapid succession of short sharp hard sounds. b. cause to do this. c. cause such sounds by shaking something. 2.a. move with a rattling noise. b. move or travel briskly. 3. a. say or recite rapidly. b. talk in a lively thoughtless way.
59.esteem — 1. ( have a high regard for. 2. formal consider (esteemed it an honour). — high regard; favour.
60.frequent — 1. occurring often or in close succession. 2. habitual, constant. — attend or go to habitually.
61.nobble - 1. try to influence (e.g. a judge), esp. unfairly. 2. tamper with (a racehorse) to prevent its winning. 3. steal. 4. seize, catch.
62.idealize - regard or represent as ideal or perfect.
63.budge - 1. move slightly. 2. change an opinion.
64.paddock - 1. small field, esp. for keeping horses in. 2. turf enclosure at a racecourse for horses or cars.
65.moist - slightly wet; damp.
66.accession — 1. taking office, esp. as monarch. 2. thing added. — record the addition of (a new item) to a library etc.
67.inspiration - 1. a. creative force or influence. b. person etc. stimulating creativity etc. c. divine influence, esp. on the writing of Scripture etc. 2. sudden brilliant idea.
68.clearing - open area in a forest.
69.crush — 1. compress with force or violence, so as to break, bruise, etc. 2. reduce to powder by pressure. 3. crease or crumple. 4. defeat or subdue completely. — 1. act of crushing. 2. crowded mass of people. 3. drink from the juice of crushed fruit.
70.karaoke - entertainment in nightclubs etc. with customers singing to a backing track.
71.mince — 1. cut up or grind (esp. meat) finely. 2. speak or esp. walk effeminately or affectedly.
72.babel - 1. confused noise, esp. of voices. 2. scene of confusion.
73.wizard — 1. sorcerer; magician. 2. person of remarkable powers, genius.
74.accumulate - 1. acquire an increasing number or quantity of; amass, collect. 2. grow numerous; increase.
75.fortification -1. act of fortifying. 2. defensive works, walls, etc.
76.embitter - arouse bitter feelings in.
77.neurology - the study of nerve systems.
78.rouble - chief monetary unit of Russia etc.
79.stance - 1. standpoint; attitude. 2. attitude or position of the body, esp. when hitting a ball etc.
80.aspiration - 1. ambition or desire. 2. drawing breath or Phonet. aspirating.
81.mythology - 1. body of myths. 2. the study of myths.
82.precipitation - 1. precipitating or being precipitated. 2. rash haste. 3. a. rain or snow etc. falling to the ground. b. quantity of this.
83.massive - large and heavy or solid.
84.squawk — 1. loud harsh cry, esp. of a bird. 2. complaint.
85.detach - 1. unfasten or disengage and remove. 2. send (troops etc.) on a separate mission. 3. a. impartial; unemotional. b. (esp. of a house) standing separate.
86.tempera - 1. method of painting using an emulsion, e.g. of pigment with egg-yolk and water, esp. on canvas. 2. this emulsion.
87.ethereal - 1. light, airy. 2. highly delicate, esp. in appearance. 3. heavenly.
88.considerable - 1. much; a lot of (considerable pain). 2. notable, important.
89.blush — 1. a. become pink in the face from embarrassment or shame. b. (of the face) redden thus. 2. feel embarrassed or ashamed. 3. redden.
90.dismay — intense disappointment or despair.
91.pane - single sheet of glass in a window or door.
92.squabble — petty or noisy quarrel.
93.regret —1. feel or express sorrow, repentance, or distress over (an action or loss etc.). 2. acknowledge with sorrow or remorse (regret to say).
94.bossy - domineering.
95.concede - 1. admit to be true. 2. admit defeat in. 3. grant
96.penalize - 1. subject (a person) to a penalty or disadvantage. 2. make or declare (an action) penal.
97.composite —1. made up of parts. 2. of mixed Ionic and Corinthian style. 3. (of a plant) having a head of many flowers forming one bloom.
98.gloom - 1. darkness; obscurity. 2. melancholy; despondency.
99.ignorant - 1. lacking knowledge (esp. of a fact or subject). 2 . uncouth.
100.dreadful - 1. terrible. 2 . very annoying, very bad.
101.bruise — 1. discolouration of the skin caused esp. by a blow. 2. similar damage on a fruit etc.
102.sprig — 1. small branch or shoot. 2. ornament resembling this, esp. on fabric.
103.swot - 1. study hard. 2.study (a subject) hard or hurriedly.
104.giddy - 1. dizzy, tending to fall or stagger. 2. a. mentally intoxicated (giddy with success). b. excitable, frivolous, flighty. 3. making dizzy (giddy heights).
105.exaggerate - 1. make (a thing) seem larger or greater etc. than it really is. 2. increase beyond normal or due proportions (exaggerated politeness).
106.blossom — 1. flower or mass of flowers, esp. of a fruit-tree. 2 .promising stage (blossom of youth).
107.indispensable - that cannot be dispensed with; necessary.
108.gazette — 1. newspaper (used in the title). 2. official publication with announcements etc. — announce or name in an official gazette.
109.eminent - distinguished, notable, outstanding.
110.decadence - 1. moral or cultural decline. 2. immoral behaviour.
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